Christmas is Coming!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

YouTube & Pod Casts

Well, it has taken a little while, but I am back here and determined to finish tonight! Had another quick look at YouTube - the kids had already introduced me to some of its pleasures.

I like the way it suggests other videos of the same genre - helps if you are not quite sure what you are looking for. There must be thousands and millions of videos there just waiting for someone to find them! and one wonders why on earth some have even bothered.

A personal favourite of mine is the following

It is about a young lady who has become a Life member of Weight Watchers, so it sort of blended in my 2 work interests!

I guess with a library perspective, the scene could be set for staff to make videos for patrons - how to............, book reviews, etc, etc

I guess for me the biggest downside is the playing quality - I wish we had better internet facilities at home! Quicker, Faster, Clearer and on and on...........

Again with Pod casts, the time taken to search has been a little prohibitive, but I did find a song sung by Jean Nidetch the founder of Weight Watchers! Pretty crummy really! The fact that the normal person can actually put something on here is pretty mind blowing and I guess for libraries this is another great way of communicating with the public in a way that the young ones can identify with and this is where we have to start if we want to see our libraries moving into the future.

I do like searchng by tags! Only problem is when i want to tag something - I run out of word ideas!!!! I had audio issues with podcasts, so have not been able to include a feed.

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