Christmas is Coming!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Web based apps & 43 Things

Have signed in to Zoho and promptly lost the page I was working on! I loved the emoticons, but there weren't enough for me! I like to try and express emotions as I write and they were cute!

I don't think Zoho or Google apps will take over my love for Office applications at this stage as my Internet is so slow that whenever I tried to make a correction or change something, I was able to make another cup of coffee while I waited for it to load! I am now floating in a caffeine induced coma and really should be in bed!

I started out looking at the winners of the visual arts section of Web 2.0, but they were a little beyond me, so I went to 43 Things. I think this is a site for me - I need to set some goals and be able to mark them off - the first one is to stop procrastinating, the next to clean out my wardrobe and be really ruthless and the third would be to start spring cleaning the house!

Then again a fantastic saying that I found in a magazine yesterday is

Sewing Forever
Housework Whenever

Perhaps I should follow that motto and get on with my stitching. No - time for bed and a think about what goals I could enter into 43 things - there's my stamp collection, my photos, my knitting, my garden...............(what garden!?) my ...............

1 comment:

Jen said...

You have really embraced the learning 2.0 of having a go and playing, enjoyed looking at your blog, you are very witty!