Christmas is Coming!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another week and a look at Wikis

I was supposed to be looking at Wikis, but as I usually do before I get stuck into the weeks work, I have a browse around other blogs and things! If you have ever wondered what exactly is going on in your brain, then you could use this extremely useful tool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not sure that the brain activity portrayed me in a positive light, but it was fun to enter other's names!

Finally explored Wikis and I can see fantastic potential there for libraries. This is perhaps the one thing we have learned about that really has a place in our libraries NOW.
A Wiki for a specific area (ie ILL, children's services, BOW, etc)- all librarians have ideas on what could be done - instead of waiting for a meeting, instead of talking one-one, a wiki would unite all the librarians from the different 7 distant branches and allow pooling of ideas before the actual meeting, less phone calls, less shared emails and less mixing up of ideas, - perhaps less meeting hours wasted in sharing ideas - it has already been done and all that is needed is the decisions to be made! Dream on.............

As we approach the building of our new Library within the Community Hub, think how fantastic it would be to have an Echuca Wiki! It could be started by the library, added to as we find different attractions, services etc, etc and then I am sure that the community (great marketing would be needed) could basically take over and add as much or as little as they require.

On holiday and need a doctor? I'm sure visitors would love to leave their positive and negative comments.

Need a church service time - have a look at the Echuca Wiki! All the churches would have access and it would be up to them to update their own changes and services - too much for one person to co ordinate, but able to be collaborated on via a Wiki. I guess control would be an issue, but if identity checks were used as I saw on some sites, hten this could be alleviated.

In words that I read somewhere today!! their best, they can become true community resources that can position the library as an online hub of their local community.

Travelled to the Peanut Butter Quickie (PBWiki for those still not there - although I fail to see why you aren't as I am so far behind) and I'm pretty sure my Blog is now officially there as #3 for our library!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

You have some great ideas for the use of wikis.
Keep up the good work.
